Application for No Dues Certificate from Bank - Request Letter For No Dues Certificate


No Dues Certificate Application


                        BRANCH MANAGER

                        PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK , .................................(Branch Name)


Subject :-       In regards to education loan A/c JB-.......... Request for issuance of  NO DUES Certificate and return of two sale deeds.



                        I received education loan amount of rupees 7.5 lacs through DD for MBBS study from 20...... in three installments.


You are aware that entire Principal loan amount along with processing fee of Rs 3750 total rupees 7,53,750 has been deposited in your bank branch which is confirmed  by statement of bank account of mine. In statement A/c is shown that in addition to 7,53,750 in additional amount of rupees 75078.50 as also been deposited in A/c JB....... as loan interested besides outstanding due interest amount of rupees 1,84,242.50 is still due on ........../...../201.....


As per Govt. of India ministry of human resources of 21/04/2010, 25/05/2010 no full interest amount deposited in JB1237 by the amended policy for interest & subsidy; RBI Circulated the information to all banks as per INTERIM BUDGET Dated 17/02/2014 that accordingly interest subsidy also be given on educational loan taken before 31/03/2009 also.


Therefore you are requested under the above interest subsidy scheme,rest due interest amount be adjusted through central interest subsidy scheme. There after NO DUES CERTIFICATE BE ISSUE .


Enclosures :-                                                             YOUR FAITHFULY

1.      Copy of statement of bank                         

Account dated: 23/04/20......                              

2.      Copy of Govt. Circulate deted :                      

21/04/2010 and 25/05/2010 And                    


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